Riding to East Coker, With T. S. Eliot

"Yes, I have heard of Yakov Sverdlov, that was when

"the Bolsheviks were boasting that the new Red Star

"had wrested Russia from the clutches of the Czar.

"And Lenin, swine, trampled the Motherland's best pearls---

"a boy and his four sisters, adolescent girls,
"whom Sverdlov murdered in brutal assassination

"Hell has prepred for him a most torrid damnation.

"His broasting torment gave me the first inspiration

"to write the poem I published as The Hollow Men."

"'There is a sin,' as John has told us, 'undo death.'

"The comrades will discover it with their last breath."






Author's Notes/Comments: 

Matthew 7:6; Isaiah 5:14; 1 John 5:16

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