Sonnet To Beauty; PostScript

[September, 1976; May, 1977; January, February, April, 1978]


Nulla tuarum audita mihi neque visa sororum—
O quam te memorem, virgo? Namque haud tibi voltus
mortalis, nec vox hominem sonat: O, dea certe—

---Vergil, Aeneid, I


Your overwhelming beauty meant that I

should not talk to you, nor breach or deny

the social levels that made me a geek

in exile with the lowest of the low.

Who, in that time and that place, did not know

such customs well?---and thus dared not defy

them.  Yet, that Spring, you took a chance to speak.

I say again, intensely beautiful:

you offered a chaste glimpse into your soul,

wherein an artist's personality

admitted this nerd to your company,

nor found my presence disagreeable.

Out of the past, this glowing memory

proves, in the present, a reality.





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