(T. Beechey)
I can still hear the beat,at first it seemed like dreaming
But,as each chord was complete,I realized the streaming
Came from somewhere deep within,nestled in the golden embers
Of what had always been and which only one remembers
I can still hear the beat,so pristine and unbroken
In a melody so sweet that no words need ever spoken
As I listen,so I wonder if I'd always been without
This message in the thunder as I shake my head in doubt
I can still hear the beat in each whisper of the echoes
Over and over,it does repeat casting light upon the shadows
Steadily rising to a swell which overrides the masses
And captures by its spell all and everything that passes
I can still hear the beat undisguised in its beauty
Will I ever chance to meet the one who brings it to me?
I've a picture in my mind but,since I'm not in the deciding,
I'll wait my time to find what,since time began,is hiding
I can still hear the beat and,with each day,it grows stronger
There's no such thing as defeat if the chain of faith is longer
In the rhythm of the silence,there's a bond which lasts forever
And it's these special moments which neither fate nor time can sever