Things to do to ease the Pain


Will cutting yourself ease the pain?

Are u insane

It may get it off your mind

but your memory will be there to kick u in the behind

Well drugs help you ?

What if u O. D

Then what would I do

Will Gambling help u through it all the way

There’s no way

That like giving all your money away!!!

Will drinking help u forget it ??

Ur just going to fill up with it  

There’s no way ur going to get away with it.


Be true to yourself

And get some help

Whether is with a friend or a counsellor.

The is no easy answer.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wote this poem when I was confused what do do with my life...and so were some of my friend.I looked at what some of my friends and realized all the things they were doing wasn't helping.

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