His heart still beats.
We will never give up his memory,
waiting between life and death.
While our hearts beat
they shall hold him in reverie,
once our partner while we marched life's path.
We salute you,
where-e'er you are, remembered all time through.
Our country's honor defines what we do as right.
This tribute, too,
our hearts give, is the least one can do
to keep Hope alive; your last battle is our constant fight.
You are not left alone;
like you fought beside us, side-by-side,
we still keep the ranks, the vigil constant !
We will bring you home !
We accept the mission ! Forward ! Forever !
Relentless our quest, or thanks, our intent.
The best of us
is what we became, in service, together bound !
Brother, sister, together now we stand.
The best of us- -
but for the grace of the God of our land- -
know that any one of us could have been . . . .
. . . . The Missing Man.