She played so well, that.........


..............that I forgot it was supposed to be only a game!  Safe, & at a distance;  Oh!, we smiled at the myriad things we had so magically in-common:

...the way that she hums, & "goes so far away" when she strums the auto-harp--& I DO TOO!!  And how she cries, so easily, but for lost chances, now, possibly regained.  And she cries on the graves of old, lost, perished loves.  She doesn't have to ask permission, although it would be understood: this is alright, this is True Loving.  SHE'S JUST LIKE ME!! WE CRY!!

...the way our tears would hold on to themselves before falling, all shiny, like prisms of our hearts' emotions---crystals refracting sadness into Joy's rainbows---& then they would drop, OH!, like life itself, suspended against gravity, until the splash!!  Oh, the loveliness of Love's fallen tears!!

...the awesome insistence of our hearts' pleas, flashing back & forth from reality to memory, like lightning into a lake, just like that, our tears fell onto the graven tombstones of what we'd both buried so deep, so long ago; too long, but not long enough!! Yet we gave each other the permission to cry onto our monuments, for marble does not rust!!

...the way neither would want to seem intrusive, yet our love so needed knowledge of our various pasts, only  so Love could effect the healing we KNEW each could give.  The way our same shared shyness blossomed into beautiful Trust.

...the way we stirred those butterflies of our minds, & they SOARED up---OH!, UP!!, carrying US up too!!  On their fragile irridescent wings, which angel-dusted our faces in SUCH a glow!!  And to heights we'd never EVER dreamed of before!!  "How Can This BE??!!"

...the soft shadows of our eyes; hers: glade-green, mine: sky-blue.  Oh, the soft ochre-deep corners of HER eyes, where her imagination huddles, how there her eyes seemed open, though closed, as she dreamt, & whither my passion hurries, & where waits the promise of a thousand glances of Love.

...the ineffable emotions, the inexpressible love...all of it  bundled, carried away, captive on our ship of Hope, a-sail on Life's sea of Dreams.  But not one feeling could ever have had a mutinous thought, for NONE wanted to escape...& there IS no escape!!  

...But there IS sweet Music, now---and always there'll be sweet Music, even 'though I never even felt how gently she stroked...

.                  ......................MY  HEARTSTRINGS!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

......or   not......
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Jere ''s picture

The depth of this poem cannot be absorbed on a first reading; and the beauty of its structure is almost overwhelming on first reading. There are few poems that make me react so quickly . . . this is certainly one of them. The emotional power so lyrically deployed in this poem should come with some kind of warning label.

kat's picture

Hey there,

Very nice. But wow, alot for 5 words, huh? They must have been terrific words, indeed.
I thought I had read this before, but I gues not. Sounds like there a story behind it somewhere....? Well, onward. Good job.
