( based upon 'It's Too Late' )

Your soft admissions, your depth of feeling,

your Love’s-confessions, these have me reeling!

And as you spoke, I could see the soft mist

of your voice, ascending: my ears were kissed!

Mists rise from your soul, brush past your heart,

and  issue to me from your sweetest part!

I’m bathed in your smile, I’m caressed without touch!

My Darling, your laughter blesses me SO  much!

Sweet portal through which your words have just passed!

“Do you love me?”,  I hear it, but does it  really need to be  ASKED??!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A Soap Opera is a lot like Life.  So, write 'Soapy' stuff, & all will understand it.

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MARY L LAMB's picture

You relly write good about that women. If she don't want you... I wish I could use spellchek here. I hope this is not a mess.