"Lullaby for my Love"

Love Poems

   Here I sing a song,

A lullaby for my love...

So that when Darkness casts its rays

Upon his weary form,

May angels watch him from above.

As the velvet dark envelopes him,

Let sleep sand dust over his frown.

Bring him Dreams of beauty,

And let those walls crumble down.


  This is my Blessing,

A shield for my love...

So that terrors of Night that creep

Shall not taunt him;

May his protection grow from truelove.

As he dreams softly tonight,

Let no disturbance fault his peace.

With grace he visits floating castles,

And let all of his worries decrease.

I sing this Song,

A lullaby...

My Blessing...

For my love,

So that he may rest easy.

And when the sun shall rise,

Let him welcome the morning light

With his bright eyes and a gentle smile.

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