
Dark Poems

DEPRESSION.....this terrible molester of the mind.....

You can't reach out because no one seems to listen or understand;

You feel worthless and so isolated from the world.

No one can see how this monster feeds....day in and day out.

No one wants to know about this disease.....this abomination.

You can't reach out or cry for help, for fear of sinking deeper,

And you can't trust anyone, for you are plagued with this threat.

It's like a laughing face that comes into your room each night to do as it pleases,

But no one else in the house knows or believes.

They don't see your tears that sparkle in the moonlight,

They can't hear your heart breaking......nor do they feel.

Alone you are to deal with this disruption in your time.....

This disorder that has put you so out of place with what is real.

The DEPRESSION rapes your mind each and everyday....

And you only suffer in silence, because to speak out....

Would mean that you are insane; you could be taken away.

There is a fear that they will never take you seriously,

And they just may not, nor even fathom your truth inside.

So deep inside you hide these attacks on your mind....your heart....your sanity.

Keep it locked tight inside because others can't know,

For if they did you would be outcast from normality

And forever looked down upon with discomfort or disgrace.

This molester.....degrading your beautiful mind....

It's power grows stronger upon you and you just can't fight anymore.

What does it take for them to see??

Another heartbreak?  A shattered life??  

If anyone would just believe and see....this DEPRESSION could be beat!!

But that's the thing, you know, they don't want to let go

Of their happy dreams and blissful lies....

They will banish you, bury you, and you are left alone,

Crying out but forever unheard....

With this molester...... DEPRESSION.

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