Via this bleak holes of the presence
I peep into the future
This vision short -lived though
I glimpsed her,as she escapes
From lime of light, beaming stars at me
How beautiful and glitter she look
As she in her graceful steps comes
In company of smiles kingly wears

I glimpsed at her, this belle comes
She comes with love, with chears
So the libido of her smiles buoy me
So i buy the dance of her hips
To feast by the taste of her lips

So gracefully she comes
Towards the point where i stay frown and worn
Gracefulstill, she throws her arms at me
There she inflict me with hope
And lead me to the field
Where no shrubs no plant grow
But are of smiles
Not of tears nor of gripe
Along the rout of no bends
Towards the end of ocean of pride

As i peep into the future
Why need not laugh out the odds of the moment?
And care not for the lashes and weep of sorrow
And learn to to cope with fate of the day
And face to find the end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

At times,i find it difficult to comprehend with happenings around me. on many occasions i battle with the thought and feelings of knowing myself, what i want and what i stand for. This in most cases ended on sober note. But a seconds glimpse at what tomorrow would be like always subdued the worries of the present

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allets's picture

A small comment

chear/cheer & gracefulstill to graceful still. The future as she - what's not to like - Lady A



TOUNDE's picture

Am very grateful to you lady

Am very grateful to you lady A., up till now i never notice dis lapses. Thanks
God bless