Her wings if tiny must plap
When it's too cloudy, cloud wage war she must sap
Her sight roudy must pierce the sun
Her light feathers flow in wind as dust in air must have its fun
She must stay and never thrown
This little bird must as ocean tide made to flown

This little bird must fly
If the sun smite rock she must stay
When hawk haunt pray
She need fly and fight for space
Pelt by rain she own the race
Roughen so and beaten by thunder
She need shine above like stars
And yield the urge to hug the sky

This little bird must fly
There in mole of mountain of sore
If wind tide tip her to tour
She just need fly as kite
For the fly does in plight

Author's Notes/Comments: 

lets fight all odds and achieve our goals.....

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allets's picture

Urges That Yield Hugs

My favorite line is: ...and yield the urge to hug the sky... the poem soars the challenge is survival--well spoken, liberate yourself from rhyme and truly soar with lines like that inside you . . .allets



TOUNDE's picture

I am really delighted with

I am really delighted with your comment.thanks you allet.