
Listen there's alota poems songs out there
that shed a bad image
butthat should clear that

I don'tknow what there's fighting for
Why are people so cruel? I dunno, you tell me
But I know one thing
It's all 'bout da bling

That's what all people care for, money
you know it's funny
If we had no money, we'd fall apart
Nothing to pay for whats in our cart

But money beats us to nothin'
So why are we fussin'?
If we all started ova
Get a bulldoze-a

Same 'monta cash
let's not dash
Same size homes
all shaped like domes

Ya that'll be the life
no need for a knife
Now let's get up and say
hey government may...

We have a reset?
Clean up all dis mess?
No more taxes
no more credit cart maxes

We could have dreams
no tering at the seams
Anything you wish for
deep down in your core

All religion compromise
Not tryin to minamize
World Peace?
Oh please

If we all agreed
Everyone pleased
We'd have no world orda
borda to borda

Money could disappear
Ya we could drink a couple beers
To the perfect world I'm dreaming of
No one'd have to shove

Cuz we could have
World Peace World Peace
None of us mad
all together like a flock of geese

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is like a rap, thanks to Eminem for insperation

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My sis grows up

My sis grows up