The snow has come at last today
and as it flutters down
i think about a lonely grave
beside a little town.
Where just a little while has lain
one near and dear to me,
and now the snow has come to bring
it's silent sympathy.
These poor weak hands could never make
a blanket half so light
as god from his own heaven sends
in snowflakes soft and white.
Sweet rest unto eternity
with the kind earth for a bed
and silently the snow has lain
a mantle overhead.
Though time can never quite erase
this sorrow that i know
god brings sweet consolation
in his simple gift of snow.
Alone i sit in reverie
white tears ( ? ) fall
for my heart lies deep in a lonely grave
beside a village small.
By. Elsie M. Clemens (1903-1977)