What to do when you only have yourself?
Time to think about your life, why have I arrived this point, the point without sound, without warmth.
Is there only light in me, hope to carry on?
What is the point walking this life, being the one who relects everything, only by the thought of my own mind.
Is it not the pure self, that is released on that moment?
Is it not the me who I never learned to be.
It's said, we don't know what we want, and when all fills our heart with emptyness, we find I.
I am.
I exist without anyone else.
I think without anyone else.
I breath without anyone else.
But can I love without anyone else? Can I learn to love myself at last?
Time is given to tell, whether it is true, devotion to be self.
Someone For Everyone
Just keep asking women to go out or dinner and a play. That'll get em everytime. A shy cultured lady who likes poetry for starters. Joine a poetry group and not be alone - of course the poem is not autobiographical, but what the hey? Go for her! - :S