Love someone

The very thought of being loved is scary
Yet I think about it day and night
The thing is, I don't want to only be loved
want to love someone
I want to love someone who loves me back
I know I can be loved
What really scares me is the thought that I may never love someone the way they love me
That I can't give them the love they deserve
That I can never love at all
Because of that I live in fear
And I might never actually get the chance
So I have to let someone in
The question is who
And if I can love them

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not my first poem but I just wanna know what people think about it :) Thanx in beforehand for any views or opinions you might have 

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BabeItsSavy's picture

I love your poem. Its

I love your poem. Its beautiful.(:

iwonderwho's picture

your poem is totally in sync

your poem is totally in sync with my thoughts on love. "love is something you give, not get!" 

nice poem. :)

allets's picture

I Like the line in the movie, Ghosts

"The take it with you..." ~allets