It's me
The common variable
In each failed interaction
My ego taking the stage
Every well meaning comment
Hits the wall
I'm to scared to drop
An emotional rubber band
Snaps back
The simplest things become impossible
All this fear wrapped up
In this me bundle
Repeating the cycle
Just another 20 minutes
And I'm sure the dirty laundry
Will be dry
I can't figure out the why
Or how to make the buzzer go
Stoooooooooop it!
Stop being the poor
the companion
Pop pop pop
Goes the fun
I just killed it
The end
It's me
Not them
I just really love this poem,
I just really love this poem, it has a diverse way of being
like it goes off in everyone's mind at one point in life, in many ways, when committment issues win, when someone has a habbit of being with abusive people, whenever anyone finds there cycle, this poem is a sample of that head space
thank you
Much Love