Dear Daddy

Dear daddy

Our love our life our daddy you were once so strong. 

But now all you do to us is wrong.

You made a choice you smoked that pipe.

You knew the result yet you took all our life.

We see you hurt mummy it makes us so sad.

We know she pushes you but geez daddy can't you see why she is so mad.

We cry we scream we beg we fight.

Trying to grasp for our life back with all our might.

Your babies and Mummy are dying inside.

Praying  and hoping our daddy survives this ride. 

He is angry and mean but we know that's not him,

Its the demon inside the shadow of my daddy that's now so sick and thin

If we give up turn our back and call it a day,

We fear our daddy will never ever find his way 

Please please daddy try for mummy and your little bugs,

To beat the mean angry demon called drugs.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is in relation to my family battle and the destruction of addiction to ice

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Dear Daddy

A powreful Poem and so true, I know because I've been there too. Was going down for my last time, It took The Good Lord to bring me through. I can hold my head up cause I took a stand. I thank you Lord. *MilMan*  Cool