These Late Hours

As the darkness serves as constant

And my mind turns astray,

I shall, in spite of my mind accosted,

Stave off my thoughts decay. 


In hours of such, where truths are shed in voiceless passion,

In the silence of provocation; 

The damning danger of solitude;

Such darkness comes at the cost of being true. 

And yet a rage ensues in the well-versed;

A burning of passion unwarranted.

A senseless rage against that which is

And which your mind takes as perpetual. 

It is the stubborn hint of care.


If you have been so right in your despise

Of all thats come to be of you.

Then how is it unwarranted to fathom,

That your mind is a liar;

A speaker of words that embellish the way

Of how you should hurt yourself. 


You may lay there basking in your tears of glory

And belittle your future here,

But pray do rage for a better story;

Deprived of self-loathing and fear. 

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allets's picture

We R Our Own Worst Critics

Other people call us great humanitarians, kind, and well toned: we measure our lack, our spaces that are emptied upon the balance and see our lack, our undones, and the scales tip in the wee hours - Klingon saying: No lie can be told beneath the naked stars. - slc



J-C4113d's picture

Now THAT is absolutely pure

Now THAT is absolutely pure poetry.

J-Called [fka Starward]

BOEMSBYJA's picture

late hours


Late hours indeed. 

When all is quite and freed. 

The mind is clear to wander. 

And life's purpose ponder. 


Thank you for the inspiring read