These times that you knew so closely.
The nights where numbness of experience took over.
Those times were the most honest you've known.
But in this plight to progress towards an angle of you,
You've lost touch of your truth.
You mustn't scream or cry or tear
At your hair in angst and helplessness.
You are better now, well again.
Reverted to a time you never knew.
Why must you delude yourself under the magnifying glass
And gnarl your roots
To this aspect of betterment that you hold so ideal.
Clipping at your tree blindly
Will eventuate its nakedness.
The frame of it once was,
And devoid of all it could be.
Ask yourself one question.
Would you rather die while living;
Or live whilst dying?
One hopes for a liberty,
Whilst the other must make do.
I scream words so that people will hear me,
And say those things thought wanted.
But I do not believe all that I posit
Revert back.
I accept that the valley of the shadow of death
Shall see me scrawling in a corner.
But if that means passengers after me
Will go silent at the thoughts I provoke,
Then I will throw my life to shambles.
Those who will not see through these eyes,
Will not see the tragedy behind them
And will thus not fear for the words that seep through.
A husk of nothing.
With a fear of everything
And a sullen trudge towards something.
One of the best big boy
One of the best big boy