sea of mystery

i'm waiting at the shore

for the ocean to rush in

you've placed your love

in a never ending sea of mystery

i'm waiting for the tides

with that great wave comes change

all disappointments eroded

to become that part of the sediment

those layers so deep

deep enough to make the earth's core

when the moon is full

the time will be right

secret thoughts like treasures

trapped at the oceans floor

ride in with the first wave

so powerful and overcoming with truth

they'll knock me down

and in the sand i'd happily stay

buried and almost suffocated

yet finally satisfied

my wave has finally come in

bringing termination to your sea of mystery.

Robyn V. Evans

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Oh! Oh! I love this poem! It's so great, I can just feel the creativity flowing throughout this poem. Wonderful! Keep it up!