I really don't know
much about fashion.
That is something that
I have never been good at.
I don't truely know
what colors go together,
or what clothes you
shouldn't wear at certain times!
It's so confusing!
I want to look pretty,
but I don't know what
clothes to wear,
or what to put with what...
I don't really know
much about fashion,
as it has never really
been one of my strong points.
I would like to know
what clothes work on me,
and what clothes go
with which shirt, skirt,
jeans, shoes, etc!
I probably won't ever
be able to know
what goes with what.
That's something that
I guess I won't ever
be able to change.
If I am magically able
to figure out what
goes with what,
then that would be
a pretty big suprise!
I don't really know
much about fashion,
but I guess that
that is okay.
it doesnt matter what your wear
pretty or sexy is a state of mind and body. just feeling or sending out the belief that you are attractive automatically makes you attractive. I have never met an ugly person in my life! Only people who think they are ugly. God has designed you perfectly. who on earth has made you think you have no dress sense. I myself dress down but dare i say it I rock it cause I know I got it... and so do you! dont fall into the slave to fashion keep it simple or interesting with the clothes and remember its the attitude that maketh the fashion. :P
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Lol, nice! I'll try it, but I
Lol, nice! I'll try it, but I have my little fashionista sister who is always saying how I'm wearing this color with another color that doesn't work.
i dont like wana bees no offence bt
the only thing that works is the belief in yourself. confidence is a choice not something granted by others. it can only be reinforced by others. any ways I could go on and on about it. but anyone who puts someone else down is insecure and need to make themselves important. i dont bother cause I already am important to the most important person in the world. Me. if you take crap you get crap if you give crap no one gives a crap about you lol! ;) All I know is I can rock green shorts with brown socks and blue transformers tshirt and diamond earings just as much as a party dress. I also know so can anybody else. just look at fashion it only changes to something unusual so the way I see it youre ahead of your time ;)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
No offense taken =P Lol, I
No offense taken =P Lol, I love that! "if you take crap you get crap if you give crap no one gives a crap about you!" Lovely!!