"Why I Was Late..."

from a cool classroom seat, with a view out the window

a boy ponders his past and attempts to look to the future

the golden stars, green, red and blue too

just like the thumbtacks that held A+'s to walls at home

and teachers and parents and everyone were proud

of their special boy and how theres no one like him to be found

his smarts, intelligence, his love to read

their story of suburban success began to spin

and from this hard chair he brings latter days to view

he wonders where success has gone

midle schools high honor charts, report cards full of A's

have been traded in place by failing out grades and oftenly cut class

no more golden stars or proud report cards

no more honors certificates or great achievements

just a new list of possible side effects thumbtacked to the wall

to remind the boy hes the same success and not so weak inside

so he goes on with life, each day a new play

in which he acts out what could have been his life

had he not lost control, not lost his mind

he may not have to act like hes fine

now only doing the homework he can force

push out to even act like he cares

the boy is tired now, having trouble lying now

too tired to not have trouble trying to act

from this painful chair, he knows he no longer cares

as if he realized this painful fact the first time

he puts down the poem of "why i was late..."

and crawls to the front of the room

from the teachers desk he pulled out the pair

held them high like some great salvation

pryed them apart, gashed out his wrists, smeared them on the words

when teacher arrived, to body and page, said "what a poor excuse"

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Lauren Ellis's picture

Well, everything that I would have said about this, seems to have been said already! It really was an amazing poem. You've written about this subject in such a raw and striking way. The last two lines really made an impact. You write awesomely.
Lauren x

mia0917's picture

WOW..Just WoW....Great Write!

Hollie Laurin's picture

I know how it is, I feel that very way everyday... the gashed out wrists are all too familier... all to underrated. If i was your teacher... I'd accept that excuse.
Do you ever notice how when you dont need to achieve greatness you can and when all the pressure is on you to do it, all the expectations, the mear thought of greatness induces nausia?

Lacey's picture

You are an writer.

Induced Insomniac's picture

DAMN! Powerful stuff, my friend. I'm not sure what else to say... Geezzz... Not often this happens. I'd like to talk to ya, tho... If you have Yahoo Messenger, my SN is blackmetalcrazy. You've sparked an interest. Nice job!