muted light


It's not Nirvana

I'm out to the world

It's not as great as people say

There's no gold star moment

There's really no moment at all

It's usually done in passing

'Oh, you suck cock. Pass the pepper'

Everything that's preimagined

Never lives up to the normality of ego

Honesty. No one cares about you.

The wins are everyday

Not shining but there

muted with common courtesy

Life doesn't change much

Flirting becomes expected

Opinions on everyone are required

Or your homo card may be revoked

muted by contemporary sleek and shine

dated by top 40 hits of the time

No one cares enough to argue

Just fuck and don't be suprised when no one cares

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allets's picture

Is It Me

or is it like this for heteros too? Until u find someone who cares for life. Or not. Same quandary. Good writing
