Hey my name is Collins, i'm 16 years old, originally from Kenya but reside in New York City and i love reading, listening to, and writing poetry. When did I find this out? really less than a year ago...I mean I did read a poem or two before then but I really started realizing that I loved it and had some kind of natural "talent"(if you can even call it that) relatively late. My first poem was written as a desperate way to pass time...it kinda came to my head and once i started writing those first few lines...i couldn't stop. I thought it was pretty good for someone my age who had never seriously written any before...but i thought very little of it until I received one or two compliments. I'm always looking to get better at it so i appreciate critique and would love it if I got nothing but the truth because I can handle it.
I have an iney...the umbilical cord was cut very thin and it looks absolutely perfect...i mean all i can say is good job doc ;)
"You Grow through what you go through" ---Tyrese Gibson...this quote is pretty simple but couldn't be truer