Ms. Information
Born unable to read in between the lines
Of the pages within her own story
She is illiterate by no means
But her “lack” of reading skills
Are used as a means of protection
From her stresses and frank obsessions
With all these guesses slowly caressing
Her every orifice
In her book she raises words
In her book she raises fists
I mean in her mind
In her mind she raises fists
But what does it matter when those fits
Fit deeply tucked within her confines
Just simple lines to create a moment’s satisfaction
But unfortunately she never answers the call to action
According to every chapter
No brother
Has ever loved her enough
To dive deeper then her hard back cover
According to EVERY chapter
No brother
Has EVER loved her enough
To dive deeper then her hard back cover
Each page holding wthin itself
A wealth of knowledge
Waiting to be analyzed
But why cant the author
Realize how redundant
The lies in each chapter
Especially after no one wants to give it a full read
She goes to her friends they say
“Not this again…Please….”
“Because every time you have a story
It’s the fruit from the same seed”
“Another man?…I don’t understand how you could fall for the same thing”
Heres an excerpt:
“Money in his hand
He fell deep within the pits of greed
He hides his phone when he gets a text he has to read
Throughout the day I cant get in touch with him
Am I losing touch with him
Whats the matter with me
Do I matter
When he wont answer the phone
Because he knows its me
When were together
I don’t feel like anything more then a trophy
He always says im his dog
Replace the last word
With a word that starts with a B
And I only get a buzz
Between this hour and this hour
I wonder where hes at”
Ms. Information
Willing to except opinionated facts
To make up for what she lacks
for that hard back
Simply guards against her Fragile pages
Every sentence inscribed
With the blood and tears of the ages
Every letter written to the cadence
Of a broken heart beat
As it beats
On the door enclosed within
A mind that needs saving
Ms. Information
The definition of insanity is:
Doing the same thing
And over
And over
And expecting for things to change
I wrote this for you so maybe one day you can get out the rain
So you can one day hold your head up high
Shaking off your doubt
Looking up at a blue sky
Not a dark cloud
Proud to change your name
…..Ms. Information
Very nicely written, and I
Very nicely written, and I like the repetitive lines you have in it. As for the content, I've been a big mouth about other people's relationships too many times and been wrong to do it I'll pass on that!
Otherwise I enjoyed this poem thoroughly!
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Thanks a lot for reading and
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting its greatly appreciated! If you have twitter or Instagram follow me @TheRealBreevie...I'll follow you back and should have videos for my poems in the near future