You created in me a darkness oh god
And renewed a tattered spirit within me
Forever cast from your prescence
You took away the sin of the world
I am falling through the sands of time
The hour glass tips and falls
It shatters as does my life
Only shards remain of that creation
The sand scattered on the floor
Swept away in the winds of chage
I fly freely, and slowly take shape
I am the ice slowly being shapped by the sun
Slowly and daily I am finding my shape
I am starting to form now, its is painless
My shape being created before me
My soul waiting to take its place
Free from the darkness inside of me.
I rise and stand upon the top of the light house
An errie silince forwarns coming violence
I stand alone and sing in silence
A broken self made man
Worn as the walls on which he stands
The cracks form no time to warn
Upon my knees I fall, the building crumbles
The once great tower a fallen ruin
Its usefulness ended a life ended
Alone I drop and kneel
I pray to thee, to watch over me
For life is short, and soon well fall
But will we fall alone forgotten
Rather fall, when time has come
Our lives fulfilled, and duty done.
The storm pounds across the coast I watch in awe.
The beauty hidden so few can see
The wonders of your mind I flee
I am alone but not forgotten
I left my wake, none begotten
I rise I fall and drift away
Death I leave, new life takes foot
Out of ashes comes the root
I stand upon this rock and see worlds collide in front of me
A million pieces do I see, I sit and watch in reverie
Pieces fly I feel the sting, the blood runs free eternally
No ill I bare, the pain I take, frees my soul my heart to take
The beauty of the suns I see, your eyes they are apart of me
Out of ashes comes the night, the sun stays still no flight it takes
Its stands like me a silent witness, to beauty lost the eternal finish.