The rise and fall of my soul I stand forever forgotten on this rock. Alone I stand and watch the seasons fly by the cold winter winds whip at my tattered clothing, I stand an ever-present guardian. Time forsakes me alone I kneel and pray. I look to the rising sun, and cry out. What did I do, why am I here. It stares back unblinking burning itself in my soul. I am forsaken, I feel so lost. I am found. As the sun rises I rise and scream, who am I? The silence answers more so then words could ever express. I am a man loved by few, and forsaken through time, but alone I never shall be, for even now I have a slight few who stand by me, and when time takes them from me, I will always have their memories. Tell me am I to be forgotten, is there a place for me in this world besides my rock. I pray there is, I wish to soar upon the wings of angels, I wish to love....
almost done the eternal sun, my memory starts to fade. the past forgotten, future just begun. the worlds waiting to be one. my soul quakes and shivers life, life anew. my heart beats faster, the blood flows quicker, i am alive. i stand among you and i breath, i seek to be eternally. i am a shadow built in light i fear not move least i break thy beauty