Inside my mind I rise to be a shadow of who I used to be

Inside my mind I rise to be a shadow of who I used to be, I am what I am and I am not what I was. I am not a shadow but I am. I know who I am, I know who I wish to have beside me, I wish to keep my friends forever, and make enemies allies. For peace I seek, after the wars I peaked and stood alone amongst the shadows. Upon my grave I stand, created a new man, once I was what I am not, that spirit dead and buried gone, today with friend I am to be, and stand alone and wait for thee. To all my friend let peace be found, but may it not be found for you the way it found me. With all my love to all my friends, and the special ones whom I hold dear. May you sleep well and live forever free, in your dream, in life

Author's Notes/Comments: 

formerly blessings

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and this is when I realized I was reading real talent. I hope you submit your work elsewhere, so others might enjoy it also. Thank you for your blessing, Sara.