I’ve spent the night with you more than once and we’ve only locked lips,
I’ve seen every inch of your flesh your tattoos, your ribcage, your hips.
You said that never in your life have you had to work so hard for a girl and it frustrates you but still, you stick around.
The chase is what people love, so I’ll prolong this as long as I can.
Maybe somewhere in the long run, you’ll want to hold my hand.
You might want to be at the same speed as me or maybe slow down,
You might not want anything at all, you might stick around.
I don’t mind though, if you say goodbye today,
As far as I’m concerned band boy, it’s supposed to be this way.
destructive forces always work to destroy love, but like they say --- anything worth having is always put to the test, to reveal whether or not it is valid.
yeah, sometimes you've got to
yeah, sometimes you've got to stick to the path even if it gets tricky just to see if all was worth it.