No Nothing. I sat in my bedroom staring at the ceiling waiting for you to come back. I looked at my watch and counted about.. 23 years of staring. I think it's a new world record.
Yes Everything. I won the Nobel Peace Prize for my cure for cancer while simultaneously learning to juggle and getting a black belt in Karate.
No Nothing. I never fell and needed a 'boo-boo' kissed or a warm hug when I cried because I fell off a bike or a boy broke my heart.
Yes Everything. I became the youngest person to walk on the moon and I sent you a picture. You must not have gotten it.
No Nothing. At no part in my life did I require the loyalty, love, or lessons that a father teaches his daughter so that she knows how to treat herself and to allow others to treat her.
Yes Everything. I terra-formed a new world [which I discovered] thus solving this overpopulation problem and ending the strain to our planet. Everyone got their boarding pass to go. Now we are all off to begin a new life.
Unfortunately the shuttle tickets were only available for 23 years and in one place.
But you weren't there.
nice tale but missing
nice tale but missing someone close who couldn't make it, leaves a dissapointing feeling about this prose. Whilst arguing the negative and positive values of life why only 23 years to vacate this planet for another? But a good argument and perspective. Well written and argued, a good read.