

I will be yours till the stars all cry,

Till the heavens turn black and the angels die.

Never will I leave you, never to betray,

As long as from me your love does not stray.

You can break my body and make me smile.

Please tear my soul and bleed it awhile.

My mind and essence are yours ever more,

Till God himself should close the door.


I wish for your most sacred embrace

The sweetness of your lips’ own taste.

Wrap me in your jaded arms

Dazzle me with pretend charms

Hold in your heated gaze

Let me feel your rhythm for days.

Wrench my heart out through my chest

Only you know how to best.


I need your whispers of misguided love

Your careless caress fits like a glove

My way of passion, deep and marred

Never leaving, yet black and charred

I couldn’t ask for better agony

That that which only you give me.

The bitter-sweet ache I’ll always desire.

Your heart fuels and lights this fire.


Time elapses and I still cannot see

The love, yes love that does elude me

Runs far away, carrying my smile

If only you could stay awhile

Then you could rip me head to toe

And only then will my ‘me’ show

The truest form of my demise

She hides behind such lovely lies.


That day you will turn in antipathy

Then I’ll show my truest me.

Neither lies nor pretense, only truth

Which bends and sways like gentle youth

Cards lain out, an ace or two standing

My hand crawling, so demanding

I crave only this hopeless plea

I yearn for; thirst for, long for thee

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    Wonderful words making a



Wonderful words making a memorable poem. Each verse so full of emotion for your loved one, it was a joy to read. Just loved your poem. Well written.