
There is no reason you should cherish

Useless trinkets which you hoard

Remembrances of bygone days

Much sadder than this one

So empty out those ancient boxes

They should be refilled today

With newer memories

Of what is and what could be

Take your modern boxes

Bury them in the permafrost

Of your soul's northern reaches

They will last forevermore

Though mummified

Shriveled dry, almost unrecognizable

Lifeless, hollow like the boxes once were

Bury them quickly

With disattachment

And forget them for the moment

Dig them up long from now

In the what-if times of might-have-been

And ponder their frozen semblances

Attempting to decipher their intent

Recover what meaning they have left

Oh yes! There is no need to cherish

Useless trinkets of the past

Unless of course you cherish

Who you are and who you'll be

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I think this one is about embracing life in its entirety, and not merely bits and pieces of the whole.

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