What is love?

Do I know what love is? 


I thought I did...

But how can you love someone

who points out your negatives? 

Then everything about yourself you start 

to second guess. 

How can you love someone 

who constantly yells at you? 

and makes you not want to speak up 

Cuz you want to spare a fight. 

How can you love someone

who takes away your phone? 

Cuz he doesn't want you "talking to other guys"

even though you wont even look at another man. 

How can you love someone

who calls you fat? 

When you know it's not true

But then start to wonder, 

"maybe I did put on a few pounds" 

How can you love someone 

who hits you and leaves bruises? 

Bruises that you have to hide 

and make lies about when people ask. 

How can you love someone

who makes you ashamed for loving 

them when they do this to you? 

So no...

I don't know what love is...

that is not love...

I do not love you... 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

1 year and 4 months sober from you. 

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lizardking's picture

love is selfless. love

love is selfless. love doesn't take, love gives. our generation doesn't know what love is. ego is the opposite of love. if you're sad after a relationship, you were never in love, rather, you were in love with yourself and you feel bad for yourself for not having something. lust, a vacuum, the opposite of love