How it weighs on my chest
That I once lived
It was a number of years ago
I was merely a boy
A child who knew nothing
I think that is the secret
To be oblivious
To never have known
What I would give
It is too much sometimes
The sand is in the sieve
It will soon be empty
How can one live
And not be consumed by thoughts
Of inevitable goodbyes
Some have already been said
At night I breathe my lover's breath
I dream of running away with her
Of being children, chasing, hiding, laughing
Of lying beneath a plum tree on a bed of grass
Silently watching robins feast in their palace of leaves
When I wake in the morning I eat my stale bread
I leave my home, I say goodbye to my son
His rosy cheeks his giggly laugh
He fills me with joy
He seems to grow by the minute
I leave him for hours with strangers
While I bow to worms and make artificial faces for coin
I know my end
I know yours
I almost feel omnipotent
Omnipotent and impotent
I am aware
All too aware
Death is the only end I know
It stares at me
And when I smile
I imagine it
To be amused
And I feel foolish
I don't smile often
When I have an idea
A rare spark of excitement
Falling leaves or yellowed paper scold me
"What is the point-
do you think you're special?
nothing you do will last
you shall fade just as we."
I know it is silly
To personify death
I give life to death
So that perhaps it may one day give it back
Oh the desperate schemes one must devise
In the quiet moments alone.