Blessing for Mother

Alone In Love

A blessing to a mother is her child, but to her child she is an even greater blessing. She holds us with much love and gives a serene and protected feeling. She acts as our guardian angel that will always support us through the good and bad times. Her love is like an undying flower that just continues to grow; a star that never goes out, it just shines brighter everyday. But even angels fall and need affection and someone to depend on. I just need for her to know I will always be their for her even when I'm not near her. I'll always have a place for her in my heart and hope that I'm in hers. May she always know I believe she is a trustworthy, beautiful, smart, unique, elegant, immense, devoted, caring, truthful, responsible and loving mother. Thank you for being my blessing.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 11-14-03 For my mommy, I love you very much and miss you everyday.

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