That feeling, the sensation
It fills you with ease
Whether it's inhilation or ingestion
It's just that pleasing feeling
IT hurts when you quit
It's harder than hell
I've tried giving up
But I never hear the damned bell
The smell
The taste
The feeling
Oh my
All I want is to just fucking die
The addiction is strong
You can't fight the urge
Everyone's doing it
It's that extreme fucking surge
The rush
The high
Nothing can compare
Whether it's sex, drugs or alcohol
It's all about how you feel
When that drug hits the air
You exhale and think
Oh god what have I done
You were tempted again
But this time, you fail
You're never completely clean
Something always pushes you there
Be it friends, media, or thoughts
We all will cave in
So don't be sad
Don't be angry
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And begin your walk to freedom
One step at a time
Higher and Higher
You'll be free again
When that tempest comes near your test will begin
Will you remember your strength
Or fall to your weakness
How will you deal?
Decide like I do
Am I stronger than yesterday
Or weaker than today?