You warm My Coldness

   I look into your eyes as we lay side be side in the dew moistened grass; the full and beautiful face of the moon shining down upon us. You brush my hair out of my face and tuck the locks behind my ear. I grasp your hand as it trails from my ear down to my chin. I look down but you raise my face back to where it is directly in front of yours. You lean in to kiss me and I instinctively close my eyes and wait for your warmth to come flooding into my soul. Our lips meet and it is bliss. I press my lips hard to yours and your lips part. I breathe in the sweetness of your breath mixing with mine. I want you so badly. I brush my tongue ever so slightly across yours and then across your teeth. I pull back and cradle your face in my handsand whisper softly that I love you. You take my hands and kiss them both. Still holding my hands you kiss me. As our lips part our tongues dance across eachother with soft intenseness. I wrap my arms around you. You pick me up only inches above the ground and lay me down in the soft wet grass.  You plant soft kisses from the base of my neck leading them up to my ear and whisper, "I love you too". From my ear, across my neck, until you reach my mouth you give more kisses. When our lips meet they part instantly. I kiss you with intense passion. I push my hands up your cotton shirt, raking my nails softly across your back. I fell a drop of water. We both look up. As it starts to rain you laugh and smile at me, "You are so beautiful." you tell me. I kiss you and you stroke my neck. The rain is cold but your touch warms me from the inside out.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This should have been us...:(

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