Better off

So you want to be like me

well, lets see

You must be able to close out

all of the hurt you feel

because thats what I do

I find the pain to real

You must forget how to cry

other wise, you won't be me

because I can't cry

I'm not quite sure why

Hmmm lets see

what else is there

to being me

You have to be able to see

as I do, see whats there

be able to see through

You must be able to adapt

because nothing stays the same

life is game

you must master in order to play

But don't get the wrong idea here

I really would like

to let people come near

but I can't, it never works

to the point where it gets unbarrable

and it just hurts

So take some time

think it through

Because you know what

I think you'll find

your better off just being you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not saying anybody wants to be me exactly, but everybody wants to be someone else at some point, for what ever reason, this is juts sayin', everbody has problems, whether you can see them or not

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ontheverge's picture

You're very right... at times, we may want to be other people, at times other people may want to be us, but if we really take the time to think about it... nobody could stand being anyone else for long. Maybe that's not what you were trying to say... but that's how I interpreted it. Keep writin! -Lo Ruhamah

Shiwei Yeo's picture

hey i think this is a great poem as it really protray how one felt when one is jealous and full of envy of someone else!! ---nicole

James Haggerty's picture

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Maybe it's like Dorothy said in "The Wizard Of Oz", "If you can't find happiness in your own backyard maybe what you were looking for was never really there to begin with." James