Always and Forever.
Two words I learned when I was very young
An impressionable mind that knew only the reality of make believe and fairytales.
Mostly and Quite Often.
Those, I found during kickball and on the blacktop at recess
New people to meet here, no time for fairytales just push them aside
Sometimes and Not Always.
They accompanied me through nail polish and slumber parties.
Way too cool for fairytales, can't let them see my bookshelves
Never and Impossible.
They found me behind the wheel, during days of bio and nights of chem
The only thing I remember is the dulled white pages and now there's a clear vision of broken promises and lying eyes.
Wishing and Hoping.
These actions were what kept me from breaking.
Just a glimpse at that storybook cover, a taste of its sweet certainity
Forever and Goodbye.
They followed me to the last of my pages, right through the last ending phrase
It was no wonder I couldnt see that story book cover, i was already at my end...long before the book ever closed