Will I Ever

To you I am something special- For I far exceed your limitations,

To me, you are a goddess- For you have taken me to un-thought of expectations.

To the world I am nothing- Just another person with a hobby,

To all those around me, I have a gift- And I am the only person that can stop me.

To myself I sometimes wonder- If I can ever do something in Life,

Can I make myself known- Touch the world with these words I write.

Or am I just wasting my time- Reaching for an untouchable goal,

Is everything being done in vain- Or will I even ever know.

Am I just like everyone else- Hoping for a hopeless cause,

These are just words and nothing more- Why would they make people stop and pause.

An untold secret lives within- These simple words that I write,

But the question is can you see it- Can you set your eyes on my sight.

Some say I’m just a wigga who writes poetic raps- That I think I’m black,

Now you tell me what the fuck is a “Poetic rap”- Don’t say ignorant shit like that.

I don’t think I’m anything except for myself- And just like you I’m trying to gain wealth,

But this isn’t about money- I’m actually trying to help.

Help the little kids who pray for someone to talk to- Someone to understand,

To help those people who stay up everynight praying to die- To the invisible man.

Yet sometimes I still wonder if I will ever reach those people- Let them know they’re not


That someone else feels the pain too- And let them know that I see the things that they

have never shown.

Michael C. Lucas

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