Mein Kampf, dummkopf

Headline in today's N.Y. Times:

'Trump, Artacked for Echoing Hitler, Says He Never Read 'Mein Kampf'


While I believe Donald Trump isn't familiar with the concept of 'truth' and wouldn't know it if it stood in front of him holding a sign that said 'I'm the truth', I believe he's telling the the truth in this case for the following reasons:


I'm not sure Trump is able to read. Literally. There's evidence to suggest he may actually be illiterate.

Even if he can read, I doubt he'd have any interest in reading 'Mein Kampf', which means 'My Struggle'. When has Trump shown any interest in someone else's struggle? He never had to struggle. He was born with a silver spoon up his butt, as we all know.


Though he lies about everything, this must be the exception that proves the rule. I believe him!



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Like the Bavarian

Like the Bavarian housepainter, the InnKeeper is one of a small group of persons that were described in Scripture in 1 John 2:18.  He need not read the contents of Mein Kampf because it has been indelibly written on his soul; he knows it in infernal ways that we ordinary people cannot even guess.  
