Is this a misprint?

I purchased some pain relief ointment recently.

While reading the directions, I was surprised to see the following pertaining to its use:

'children under 2 years of age: ask a doctor'


What? This can't be right. 

I don't know what kind of children under 2 the people who write these directions associate with.

I don't know any child under 2 that would be able to ask a doctor anything!

According to what I read, a child by the age of 2 should be able to string a couple of words together (example - mama car). 

But that's a far cry from asking a doctor any questions they have regarding the use of a pain relief ointment. Their parents should do it!


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redbrick's picture

That seems to have started

That seems to have started with the 'Caution coffee is hot' disclaimer resulting from a lawsuit from a customer that sued a fastfood chain because the hot coffee that they bought, advertised as hot scalded them when they spilled the cup....madness, really.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

ramonathompsont's picture

ugh just another sign of the

ugh just another sign of the society we live in falling apart. People not taking time to check their work before sending it out enmass to the public.



Teytonon's picture

I know, right?

I know, right? One of the many things today that grind my gears. Thanks for commenting!