Lance and Joe

This is a tale of two brothers

Both MD's you know

Lance, a proctologist he be

While Joe was an ENT


Lance, he was very calm

As calm as you can get

While Joe, he would yell and scream

At everyone he met


Lance said 'Bro, we need to solve your problem 

You should try hypnosis, Joe

You'll be put under a trance

Maybe it'll stop the rants

I think you should take the chance'


Six months pass, Joe's a happy ENT

Tells everybody the story

'I used to be the ENT who rants

But then I took the chance

I listened to my brother Lance

I went under a deep trance

Now I'm the ENT who enchants!'


And what does Lance have to say?

Lance says 'I'm glad I helped my brother Joe

He was fortunate, you know

Joe was such a pain in the ass

That's why he came to see me

I'm a proctologist, you see 

Pains in the ass are my specialty!' 

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