Help me someone, right away!
My pen is leaking, make it stop!
Who should I call, a cop?
No. Ok, this number should
work. I need relief!
Hello! Yes, please help me
My pen is leaking!
Yes, U don't have to tell me.
'Ur in trouble' I know I am!
What? When did I first notice it?
I recently started taking a daily
dose of Viagra. I notice it when I
wake up in the morning. It's getting
harder too, right! What?
You say I should put in..pen is..
Hold'er? I've been divorced for 2 years
and I don't have a girlfriend! I can't
do that! You're not helping me!
Can I talk to someone else please?
Hello, maybe you can help me.
My pen is leaking. Who did you
say you were again? A Dr?
Ok, doctors are smart, I guess.
O F! U r? olo! G..Y?
That's pretty funny. OLO!!
Yes, I feel a little better now.
I guess I just panicked when I
saw my pen is leaking.
Can I pickup anything in CVS
that would help me?
What do you mean Depends?
Depends on what?
I heard you. Depends on what??
You're not taking me seriously!
Why doesn't anyone understand?
My pen is leaking!!
Was that a real doctor?
I should've told that doctor
I should be given priority over
everyone else. I'm a VIP!
An' I'm p.o..tent person!
I'm grateful for one thing though..
My pen cil isn't leaking!!
Response neuter palis was pen retort.
enter paradises we called allot and made a remark talbot
ton was the vice and knew my mine would expect after dark when
the late of the rise.
call ties I am sorted, and new
did I bother to hue? A bunker belief if the shape wasn't new.
I had all the queens horses and all out of sort...
call the matter policia and tell her the Schwartz.
finkle and fine with the waist I'm a dime, I call you at work but the line is submarine shorts. You have all the remerol remeron viagra
it was SHAVE