I need a vacation

I have a friend, she's such a loon

We were chatting the other day

I happened to mention

That I noticed Reese Witherspoon

Had gotten a divorce

This certainly got her attention 

She got upset and said

'I never liked Reese Witherspoon

I prefer Reese Withoutherspoon'

She was quite adamant about it

If she wants to be Adam Ant about it

Fine! See if I care!
Miss Goody Two Shoes!

Don't drink! Don't smoke!

(Subtle innuendos follow.

There must be something inside)

I'm gonna find it,

even if it takes the whole weekend..




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Thanks for your comment.

Thanks for your comment.

Hey, do you realize if you take 'CrushApples' and scramble the letters, you come up with 'Purchase LP's'?

Why? Do you feel it's a good investment?, a hedge against inflation?

I recently came into a small inheritance and I've been searching for a place to invest it. I was reading about cryptocurrency. No way I'm putting my money in that! Too risky for me.

LP's? I hadn't given it much thought, honestly. The question is, where would I get them? People don't use LP's anymore. Get with the times, my friend!

I have an appointment with my financial advisor in a couple of weeks. I'll bring up your suggestion about the LP's. If he tells me to do it, I'll get a new financial advisor. Ha ha. Just kidding. I'll let you know what happens. Have a good weekend!