post prandial after "late breakfast"
post meridien (pm) after midday
post cibum (p.c.) after food
post festum after the feast
post eventum after the event
post factum after the fact
post coitum after sex
post aut propter after it or by means of it
post hoc ergo after this, therefore because of this
propter hoc
post coitum omne after sexual intercourse every animal is sad,
animal triste est except the cock(!)and the woman(!!)
sive gallus et mulier
post scriptum (p.s.) after what has been written
post mortem after death
post mortem after the author's death
auctoris (p.m.a.)
post nubila phoebus after the clouds, the sun
post nubes lux out of darkness, light
post tenebras lux after darkness, (I hope for) light
postera crescam we grow in the esteem of future generations
post poems? yes!
postpone? no! thanks!
posthaste! got it!
I hope this will not seem
I hope this will not seem like a trespass, because I am asking in good faith, but would you mind to explicate this poem for me? I love Latin phrases, but somehow---entirely my fault---I am missing the point of the poem. Looks like you put a lot of thought into it, especially collecting those great Latin lines, and so, with respect, I would like to understand it better.