Bach in a minute

Hip hip hooray!

Today's his birthday

334 years old

Or so I'm told

Did he go Baroque

He was no joke

He had the Passion

In a fashion

He wasn't the first one

Surely not the worst one

In his family

On that we'll agree

Was he a pain in the ass

Even composed a Mass

Or was it a Fugue

Or some Variation

Ask Mr Goldberg

The diffrence can't be huge

That doesn't even rhyme

I don't have the time

Except to say

Happy Birthday

Johann Sebastian Bach

Mr Bach

You rock

Thank you Wikipedia!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Image result for j s bach

View teytonon's Full Portfolio
georgeschaefer's picture

Everyone likes old JSB.

Everyone likes old JSB.

Teytonon's picture

Reply to you

That's music to my ears! Curious about your name. Any special meaning?