Stop then shop

The world is too much for me 

Went to get my lunch today 

After I order, asked to say

My name. I think okay 

But then the lady asked of me

My social security

Number Are they mad?

Worst lunch I had

Now I’m so torn 

What’s next 

Your first born?


This evening I did some food shopping 

My pressure was surely not dropping 

The cashiers are nice 

But they don’t know the price 

Even of the dessert topping 

What the hell?

Don’t they know what they sell?

Don’t even bring up how they bag

It’s a drag 

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S74RW4RD's picture

Quite a lyric rant about

Quite a lyric rant about shopping these days, for lunch or groceries, or whatever.  You have taken a very frustrating experience, which I believe to be fairly universal, and given it a lighthearted turn.


Teytonon's picture

Reply to you

Once again, thank you for your kind remark. FYI, they really didn't ask me for my SS#.


S74RW4RD's picture

The only time I like the

The only time I like the process is when i get carded, very rare (as I do not consume booze), and I am sixty so it is also a compliment.
