There’s a poem by TSE about a man you see
Felt he lost his way Can we relate today
Some measure their lives in tweets
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I may be an elite old gasbag
Think I long to be
In early last century
I like to hear uh things from
The modern era
I’ll give you proof
Impressive allusion to Old
Impressive allusion to Old Possum at the beginning of your poem. I spent two of my four years at college studying his stuff intensely. While I do not think he was the literary dictator that his most devoted followers thought (and to which I agreed prior to 1979), I was glad to see his star fall a bit, and his prose criticism pretty much discreditedby now. Eliot's great work was his poem, concluding with the Quartets. The rest of it was like Pound's Cantos---a colossal failure.
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Hi. I wish I could speak intelligently about it, but my knowledge is practically non-existent. I knew of Prufrock anyway. Know nothing about Pound. Any recommendations?
Prufrock would approve I
Prufrock would approve I think. I do :D slc Cute write
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Hello again. I don"t take flattery so well. So go to ****. We have to laugh sometimes. Hope you can. Thanks again.
felis catus is your taxanomic nomenclature