Teresa Peñafiel

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Hi, my name is Teresa Peñafiel and I'm 19 years old.

I'm a college student in Tecnológico de Monterrey in México in the major of Publicity and Communications. My family and I are originally from the Southamerican country of Ecuador, the most beautiful country in the world, and I decided to come here to México for starting my professional studies.
I'm partly a dancer, I love dancing and it is somewhat like my hobby, and I say "somewhat" since I consider it more like a lifestyle. I dance ballet, contemporary dance and jazz, and also used to compete in Rythmic Gymastics and Salsa Competitions internationally.
I have another passion, and it is reading and sometimes writing. I read old classical and fictional books. I love reading the ones about old oriental and occidental cultures, and mythologies from different civilizations throughout history, I am really fascinated about those myths, stories and theories that built our society nowadays. I also write, and I like writing about my life, and don't misunderstand it with a diary because I hate those things. My writings are more of my thoughts and analysis daily about various fascinating topics. I also like quoting people of something they said called my attention so I can not forget it.
And that's basically me.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Greek mythology
"Leon the professional"
Mario Benedetti
"La generación decapitada"


Member for
7 years 3 weeks